In the European nobility of family homes in the most prominent place hangs a family tree kind. This expensive painting is a tribute to the ancestors and connects in time past and future family.
Do you want to learn the history of the origin of a kind ? Are you wondering how to create a family tree ? Detective Agency " Private detective Ternopil" offers a full range of services - from the collection of all necessary information to the copyright registration. To help the client to restore family ties , our experts will carry out the necessary research of archival documents, and make the information found in a single family tree.
Over the long history of our country in many families were destroyed family ties . This happened for various reasons. Someone went missing during the war , some went abroad and never returned . Detectives our agency will help you find loved ones, of which perhaps you never knew existed.
Unfortunately, those who want to make their family tree kind , often guided by economic considerations , not moral . After all, if the family has any capital , to determine the possible heirs to recover all kinship families . In such cases, the aid comes genealogy , which helps to find relatives .
Drawing up a family tree is performed in several stages:
1.Izuchenie home archive . Photos , various certificates, diplomas , employment records and other documents that can help you to find relatives . All these documents must be disassembled in the mother 's maternal and paternal lines . During operation, it is best to use a copy of the documents to the original is not lost.
2 . Make a list of questions about their relatives, which you can discuss with your family. Find out about any relatives they can tell you , set the degree of kinship with additional individuals in your family tree.
3.Zatem need to go to the archive , which can help find the initial information about the members of your family name, last name , first name , date and place of birth. Perhaps the workers file prompt , in what other localities can be found relatives of your family.
4 . Once you have gathered all the information you need, begin immediately drawing up a family tree . It is necessary to select a tree trunk . They can be compiled by itself or progenitor . Depending on this , the branches will or your ancestors or descendants .
If you want to find relatives or know the history of a kind , turn over to the detective agency " Private detective Ternopil ." Our detectives will gather for you to complete the information base and help restore family ties .