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Physiognomic analysis

Physiognomy - is one of the methods of diagnosis of personality. It was widely used in ancient China, already in those days people knew that a person displays the innate characteristics of human nature. By analyzing the shape and size of the head, nose, mouth, eye, moles and wrinkles can make a complete psihoportret person. Physiognomist easily determines the character by facial features, while not necessarily the personal presence of the person enough to be his photography.

The Basic Law of physiognomic analysis : the mental state of the person is displayed on his physical body. Human psyche to recognize with the naked eye can not , and feeling during the energy of human contact - rather subjective measure . An objective measure of a person's facial features are . Physiognomy for such a long period of existence has developed quite a lot of their tools by which physiognomic psychoanalysis became known method by which to determine the nature of a person 's face .

This analysis is conducted for the sole purpose to make physiognomic portrait of a man with whom to be long-term cooperation . After this procedure, the employer is much easier to choose the appropriate officer of several candidates. After all, he has already determined which of them is the hard-working , stress , creative and has a high intellectual potential. After a professional will determine the nature of man in the face, psycho compares all the candidates , you will not torment of doubt , not whether you have missed a wonderful employee.

Very often we are asked to determine the nature in the face of potential business partners. After all, the current state of affairs in the company can find out , but the psychological portrait of leadership is a mystery. Experts detective agency " Private detective Ternopil" will tell you all about potential business partners , and you will own all the necessary information to make the right decision.

Physiognomy can be used not only to analyze someone else's face, but also for their own learning . If you have a need to model your character by facial features , refer to specialists of our agency.

For example, you decide to take part in the election campaign , and during his work using iconic material , the physiognomy will help you make it more beneficial . After all, the skills of physiognomy on an intuitive level , each person owns . And quite often the human choice is determined by the portrait .