We are investigating for anonymous clients

We are ready to work incognito with clients

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Search witnesses

In our life, we sometimes find ourselves in situations that put us into a dead end. And the only way out of this situation are the testimony of witnesses who are not interested in the result of the process. Often enough evidence needed to install the perpetrator of road accidents, or search for culprit, who fled the scene.

In this situation, most witnesses of the accident is, but not all waiting for arrival of the police or voluntarily go to the police for questioning . But in order to achieve justice , the injured party need witnesses , and their own very difficult to find . After all, many , despite the grief of others , refuse to participate in any investigative activities , giving reason for the lack of time behavior .

If the witnesses in the case are not available, it greatly complicates the pre-trial investigation and examination of the case in court. Unfortunately, in the modern judicial practice often has bribed witnesses , even though it is a criminal offense. If you need a witness to a crime or accident , detectives detective agency " Private detective Ternopil" will help you find them.

The search for witnesses to the crime

Quite rarely commit crimes with absolutely no witnesses. Even if it was planned in advance , it is absolutely impossible to take into account all the factors , so there are always bystanders . But to find them pretty hard, because very few people come on their own initiative to help the investigation. For our agency search of witnesses is fairly common task, and in most cases we find them .

If you impose a false charge , or you are the victim of a crime and you need the prosecution witnesses , investigators of our agency will help you in your search .

Witnesses accidents

In the big cities very often accidents occur during rush hour , and there are so many witnesses to the incident . But on the deserted highway accidents are very rare . But if you need witnesses , and in a different situation to find them very hard. Here are the passengers of one of the car, which was involved in the accident, are almost always willing to testify . Only here in the court such witness an accident is an interested party , and his testimony is considered a last resort. To search for witnesses of the accident , they need to survey a lot of time and law enforcement agencies do not have time to perform all required work.

Appealing for help to the detective agency " Private detective Ternopil ', you will be sure that each witness an accident will be found.