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Verification of the data provided for dating services, including the Internet

Now it became very popular to find their soul mate through a dating service or online. But in practice, things are not as perfect as we would like. After all, such acquaintance - a big risk to get the bait scammers.

For the innocent Ads of the second half quite often hidden professional marriage scam . They can simultaneously okruchivaet some women , while giving enough time each . These people are very cynical , they are convinced that their victims become victims of their own illusions , not the hype .

Thus for the beautiful photos often hide not the students who crave the easy money, and quite accomplished people . In this case, such earnings are not averse neither men nor women . If you have suspicions about new friends, detective agency " Private detective Ternopil" will help you. We check people held in a very short time .

Most often in the fall, women marriage scam ' Balzac ' age, who are tired of being alone. Although sometimes we are approached by parents and young brides who found her fiance through a worldwide network . After all, the law enforcement agencies do not engage in this type of investigation , while the fact of fraud did not come to pass .

Independently in the new acquaintance to recognize marriage swindler very difficult, because you are a person experiencing genuine feelings and do not want to think ill of him . So our advice to you , invite his new friend in the company of his friends and relatives , take pictures with him. Marriage scam secretive and do not like public events. So you will certainly appear suspicious. He will ask you to pay your bill , citing the fact that quit his job , lost his wallet , credit card blocked .

The Internet not only hunt for women , marriage aferistki also do not miss the chance to find a rich husband . Quite often in our agency are turning foreigners who want to check their Ukrainian bride before formalizing relations. And we sometimes have to wave the image of respectable girl.

К сожалению, жертвы аферистов очень редко обращаются в милицию, поэтому наказать преступника очень тяжело. Во время проверки личных данных наши детективы находят знакомых, бывших жен или мужей проверяемого объекта, с целью разоблачить афериста. Наше агентство имеет собственную базу данных, в которую занесены практически все брачные аферисты Украины. Поэтому если вы решили связать свою жизнь с интернет-знакомым, обратитесь в наше детективное агентство, и мы проверим все его данные и не дадим вам стать жертвой аферистов.